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Los azufres michoacan

Los Azufres Dirección

5 opiniones sobre Los azufres michoacan



From the moment you arrive it seems like a magical place, due to its nature and its landscape, full of large green trees, you can breathe fresh air, it is a good place to spend a weekend away from the city and the stress of work or school, What you will like the most are its hot springs, they allow you to have a good moment of relaxation, you can find different pools with different temperatures, for each taste, perhaps a small detail would be the dressing rooms, since you may not have the sufficient hygiene, but from there to there everything is incredible.

Lugar para relajarte con la naturaleza


Sentarte a un lado de la Laguna Larga, apreciar los hermosos colores de los atardeceres. También puedes relajarte en las aguas termales que son medicinales.

En la noche puedes disfrutar de una fogata con bombones, música y buena compañía. Puedes hacer camping u hospedarte en una cabaña.

Perfecto para ir a acampar


Un lugar maravilloso, su clima y su ambiente son hermosos


Lugar de ensueño.

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