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Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park


1 opinión sobre Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park

Un Lugar para disfrutar y pasear con tranquilidad

Ku-ring-gai esto fue lo último que vimos en Sydney, como me ha costado localizarlo y acordarme del nombre, es un recorrido inolvidable, para aquellos amantes de la naturaleza, nuestro queridísimo amigo australiano, nos dijo que el lo solía hacer muchos domingos con su Harley, con lo cual para los amantes de la naturaleza pienso que no os lo tenéis que perder nuestro recorrido fue en coche, pero lo suficiente bonito para guardar un bonito recuerdo de este impresionante lugar, es un parque protegido, por su flora y fauna, ubicado a 25 km al norte de Sydney.

Ku-ring-gai Chase is a national park in New South Wales, Australia, 25 km north of Sydney located largely within the Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby, Warringah and Pittwater municipal areas. Ku-ring-gai Chase is also officially classed as a suburb by the Geographical Names Board of New South Wales. The villages of Cottage Point, Appletree Bay, and Bobbin Head are located within park boundaries. An isolated portion of the park; Barrenjoey Headland, is located to the north of Palm Beach east of the primary park body and is home to Barrenjoey Lighthouse.

Ku-ring-gai is generally regarded as a popular tourist destination, known for its scenic setting on the edge of a southern branch of the Hawkesbury River as well as rock engravings and other art of Aboriginal origin. Picnic, boating, and fishing facilities can be found throughout the park. There are many great walking tracks in Ku-ring-gai, especially through the Duffys Forest and Terrey Hills area.
Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park was added to the Australian National Heritage List in December 2006

Espero que este recorrido os guste y os sirva para vuestro viaje a Sydney, he encontrado una web sobre los parques nacional de Sydney por si algun dia.

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Información Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park